Monday, October 13, 2008

Dawna's birthday

Yesterday, we had a surprise 50Th birthday party for my wife, Dawna. This is a picture of her and our granddaughter, Evelyn. We surprised her by having her son, Randy fly up from Texas. He also brought his daughter Evelyn. It was a big surprise for Dawna. We really got her good. Jim and Mindie did a lot of the work for this party. I really appreciate all their help with this. We had 40-50 people show up to help Dawna celebrate. I really think she enjoyed the party and was truly surprised about everything. It was so hard for all of us to keep this a secret. Randy flew in on Friday and stayed with Mindie and Jim until the party on Sunday. I felt bad that he was in town, and Dawna didn't know until Sunday. But, she understood after we surprised her. She knows she is loved by us all, and all of her friends love her, too. We are going to take Evelyn to the Good Shepherd now, to look at clothes for her. Talk to you all soon.