Monday, November 17, 2008

A new day

Okay, I have to admit, I have been slacking off from writing on my blog. I have no excuses. It has been 10 days since I have attempted to write anything. I was upset for awhile about my cousin Kathy passing away. Maybe that's why I didn't write. I don't know. I have been working a lot. But, I also had last Tuesday off for Veteran's day. So, no more excuses.
I finally finished moving all my steeler stuff into the basement. My new steeler room is ready to be used again! I will have to post pictures of it on here. It is actually pretty neat. Joey and I watched some football down there yesterday. Dawna needed some quiet to work on her concert, so we went to the man cave. Even Teddy came down for a little bit, while Dawna took a nap. He doesn't like walking down the stairs to the basement, so I had to carry him down.
Dawna sang at our church last night. She had a special concert after our thanksgiving dinner at the church. It was very nice. She always does a nice job when she sings. I could listen to her sing all the time. She sang to me at our wedding. A song called "Valentine." It was the first song she ever sang to me. Then she sang it again at our wedding. It was very special to me.
I am watching Monday night football as I am writing this. The Cleveland browns are playing the Buffalo bills. I hope the bills win. I hate the browns. Of course, the browns are ahead 13-0 now. Not looking good for the bills. The steelers won yesterday. 11-10. First time ever in professional football that a game ended with a 11-10 score. Pretty crazy.
My mom and dad stopped by for a few minutes this afternoon. They were on their way home from my dad's doctor appointment in Pittsburgh. It was nice to see them. They only live 10 minutes away, and I don't get up to see them as often as I would like.
Well, almost bedtime for me. I better let the dog out to pee, and then hit the hay. I will try and be better at wring on here again. No more excuses!

1 comment:

Dawna said...

You don't need excuses, just to take the time to express yourself and be you. I love you honey, and ya, you're still my Valentine...even though sometimes our edges are a bit frayed and the writing a little blurry...xxoo