Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Daily happenings.....

Not a lot new today. We took a ride to Mercer to look at another dog for a playmate with our Teddy. This dog was a pekingese too, but, was not well taken care of. She was only 7 months old, and not really house broken. So, Teddy is still our only child.
Nathan started Kindergarten this week. Hard to believe. He will be 6 in November. He is really growing up fast. He seems to like school so far.
Dad seems to be doing better since his back surgery. He still has a lot of pain, but, that is typical after back surgery. Keep him in your prayers, though. He could always use a little help! My brother has surgery recently too. He is recuperating at home now. Hopefully he will get better soon, too.
Mindie just called here. Looks like they are getting a new house out on Conneaut Lake Road. Good for them! I am so happy and proud of them. They bought a Scion off of us about 2 years ago. The car was practically brand new. They now only owe 3 more payments and it will be all theirs. They are really doing good.
Can't think of anything else going on. Going to go watch the Buccos on TV. They are playing the Reds tonight. Maybe a win??? We shall see.

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