Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Olympics

Have you all been watching the Olympics this year? It has really been interesting watching on TV. Michael Phelps has been truly amazing. I have enjoyed watching swimming, and diving. I watched some of the gymnastics earlier. Haven't watched much basketball. Overall, It has been worth watching. Getting tired of watching the Pirates lose all the time. Nice to see something different.
Well, I found out my date for my surgery on my foot. It will be on August 28Th. They will cut 2 small slits on both sides of my foot, and loosen the tendon. A couple of stitches to close it, and they will be all done. Doctor told me it will only take 15 minutes or so. I will be out of it for the surgery. Not looking forward to getting it done, but, If it will get rid of the pain in my foot, then I am ready to do it.
Going to a party at my parents house tonight. My niece, Monica is turning 21 this week. Dawna and I are riding our scooters up to Jamestown. It will be fun. We are having a blast riding them all over the place. This was money well spent! If the weather is nice tomorrow, then we will ride them to church, too. Motorcycles next?? Maybe.....


Anonymous said...

Let's see...Teddy is still an only child-dog. We're sick honey. We actually have five wonderful children and one wonderful dog who is jealous of anyone and anything that we pay attention to. You forgot to mention he pawed our hands apart while we were praying yesterday. He thinks I'm his...or you're his. Not sure which. Time for ice cream. ya babe.Your scooter trash chick...

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying the Olympics too Dave
Didn't know you got a dog...
Guess I would know if I had read your blog earlier!
Love your sister Chris