Sunday, June 29, 2008

Who can so no to this smile?

This is my 4 year old granddaughter, Evelyn. Isn't she adorable? I came in to the house this afternoon, and she was watching cartoons on TV. I, of course, wanted to watch the pirates on TV. They were in the 8th inning, and the game was actually close. Evelyn was upset, and started crying. I felt bad, but, I wanted to see how my buccos would do.
Grayma (That's what she calls my wife) took her upstairs to watch cartoons on the smaller TV in our bedroom. I watched the Pirates lose, and I felt bad about turning off her cartoons. So, She is now sitting next to me, as I am writing this, watching her cartoons again. It is so hard to say no to her. Her dad and her are leaving on Wednesday to go back to Texas. I will surely miss her! She is a beautiful little girl.
Dawna and I went to St. Elizabeth Hospital this afternoon to see a friend of ours from church. He had fallen off a gazebo roof in his back yard, and hurt his back pretty bad. The neurosurgeon came in while we were there, and said he could fix him up, without cutting into his back. Great news! He is such a nice man. He used to be a mail carrier. Maybe that's why I like him so much!
My wife's scooter should be here sometime this week. Have to get it licensed and inspected and get insurance for it. Then she will have to get her motorcycle permit, so she can start riding it. It will be so much fun riding together. We used to ride bicycles together before she hurt her back. Now, we will be able to do more things together and not have to worry about gas prices. I Will post pictures of her scooter as soon as it gets here. More later......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know it has been so nice having Randy and "your highness" home with us. I went back and read all your blogs, its nice to read. I didnt know you were getting PT for your foot, how has that been goin for you? Well hope your foot feels better and have a great day!
